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The objective of a feasibility study is to determine whether a business will be viable or not. It examines whether the investment to be made will be profitable.

Who needs a feasibility study?

  • People seeking to establish a business or a new line of business.
  • People seeking funding to establish a business. They need to prove to banks and investors that the business is viable.




The study brings together all available information on a given market and defines its potential and future trends, its growth capacity, and its main competitors, among other objectives. In the case of global markets, SCIRE Economic Consulting Unit identifies those who may be more profitable to export goods or services of the company or to obtain the resources it needs for its operations.

Who needs a market study?

  • Businesses planning to introduce a new product or service or those aiming to expand into a new location in their country or internationally.
  • Businesses that want to evaluate their market position in relation to their competitors.



The study is aimed to assemble a profile of a country or sector analyzing past economic behavior and projecting its growth capacity and future stability. The profile also includes the main political, social, legal and commercial trends and characteristics of the country.

Who needs a macroeconomic and sectorial analysis?

  • Companies planning to expand into another country or international sector.
  • Companies that want to assess the environment where they are located and their future possibilities.




We help companies to improve their business management and enhance their growth potential by identifying their weaknesses beforehand. Assistance in the implementation of the best management alternatives covers the fields of finance, human resources, marketing and operational strategy.



We advise companies to increase their participation in markets that operate with their current products, implement strategies for the introduction of new products or services or enter in new markets.



To successfully penetrate global markets by way of trade one must have an understanding of the mechanisms that ensure the efficient export and import operations. In alliance with AICE Trading, a Spanish firm expert in international trade that has a well-documented background and expertise in customs management services and movement of goods, we offer the best solutions for business management in foreign trade from any origin to any destination. We provide services for trade, triangular cross transactions, negotiations and collection of documentary credits.

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